sâmbătă, 8 octombrie 2011


I'm telling you that I love you. I am telling you the most beautiful words, and you... you just avoid me. You stopped answering at my "hello" and you've started to ignore me. I suggested you to do nice things together and you said "anything with you" and then you left me, because yes, you seduced me and you left me...
I don't know what's to be done...I don't even have the power to think at this...

I thought wrong that you were not with me. In fact, you were. When I saw you're calling me, at 00:00, I...I just lost myself...And when you told me you're coming to visit me I completely lost myself!
When I saw you I became happy, I forgot my flu and I smiled. You made me smile!
Thank you for what you've done! You gave me a hug and I felt better... Thank you!

joi, 6 octombrie 2011


ME: "I chose you to be in my heart and to have special feelings for you, because I found you're the one who deserve this. I care about you and I'll be here whenever you'll need me..."

HIM : "so very sweet of you...not much to say here... but I thank you for your kindness... you should know that I hold you dearly in my "special little place" as well...
desi uneori ma gandesc ca ti-ar fi fost mai bine daca nu m-ai fi cunoscut deloc "

I love you!

Chestii neplacute

Nu-mi plac barbatii care fac aceleasi lucruri cu mai multe fete si mai au si prostul obicei de a povesti fiecareia ca a mai facut asta odata cu alta fata. (I'm not talking about sex)
Nu-mi plac barbatii fara principii.
Nu-mi plac barbatii care nu inteleg ce vrei de la ei cu adevarat si interpreteaza gesturile tale cum vor ei, nu cum sunt de fapt.
Nu-mi plac persoanele care nu stiu sa scrie corect.
Nu-mi plac barbatii care te pun sa le explici de 2 ori acelasi lucru, pentru ca sunt prea prosti ca sa inteleaga de prima data.
Cum poti sa doresti fata pe care a iubit-o prietenul tau?

"Smart people need love too..."

It's just that you're not here when I need you and I wish you to...

Yea, my first thought goes at you, 'cause my everything, my all everything I have is in you... I left all that I have in the man you are and was left with me knowing what I'm doing... I feel you and I need you most when I have to breath...this is not just for saying, this is just to be felt and this is in me, with all the power I found when I feel the need to have you and when I believe in you...and you know what? this is what I live with...yea, my thoughts of you feed me and this is what gives me the power and the courage to keep going on.